Tuesday, September 18, 2007

On the road back from Yuma

Finally the end of the road trip! I know a 3 day trip was stretched into weeks of blogs, however, you saw something different each time. Trust me went to DQ at least once a day and I have pictures from each time that I could be regailing you with!

We left Yuma in the afternoon, so we did hit many places in the dark.

On the way out we stopped at the phallic big gun by the Yuma armory.

yuma gun.jpg

We saw funky little businesses in the middle of nowhere.
middle of nowhere CA 2

nowhere CA.jpg
Look at all the services this one thing provides- AND IT WAS CLOSED! That looks like a place that should be open LONG HOURS.

We saw the sun set

And finally we came upon the honey place again. Can you believe that my friend never had gone into it. Something about she being female and that being a dodgy trailer advertising self-serve honey. However, I was all over it!
honey truck.jpg

There wasn't a creepy person in there, he left a notepad and sold on the honor system.
inside honey truck.jpg
honey truck 5
honey truck 4
I looked around for the mansion that this little honey empire built, but I didn't see it. Probably because it was too dark I am sure.

But the funniest part, was a little town called Searchlight, Nevada. It is where Senate Majority leader Reid is from. Now Searchlight is teeny tiny, so not a big budget for policing.
Searchlight cop 3.jpg
Searchlight cop 4.jpg
Searchlight cop 5.jpg
They even move Officer Stiff around so people wont get used to him and, I dont know, pass him off as "human."

Next post I plan to bring some culture to the blog and post about my latest museum trip.

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Sunday, September 09, 2007

Imperial Sand dunes (aka Algodones sand dunes)

OK, so I was really surprised at all the things I could do in Yuma. I actually even felt like I could stay a couple more days and be fine. I am also quite happy that I visited Yuma, and now what is the #1 movie in the nation this weekend?? 3:10 to Yuma. I am very familiar with California, but I was taken to an area that I had actually never been, which is a few minutes outside of Yuma.

The Imperial Sand Dunes stretch for 40 miles and reach 300 feet high. Return of the Jedi was filmed there (the opening sequence when Luke is captured by Jabba the Hut and is taken out to a sandy duney area to be eaten by a monster.) The next time you see Tatooine you will know where it really is. Star Gate and Road to Zanaibar were also filmed there.

There's nothing I can say that will do them justice. I hope the pictures will convey some of their extraordinariness. Included is one with a truck in it for scale.

sand dunes.jpg

sand dunes 10

sand dunes 11

sand dunes 17

sand dunes 1

In SP news, my spoiler sent me a spindle! It is gorgeous, which I am glad because I have no spindle spinning skills. I am going to display it in the living room. It doesn't deserve to be hidden away. I love the green stem! Thank you SP.
multi spindle top
multi spindle

But not to make my Suzie jealous with the newer cuter model... I plied 73 yards of colonial top. I have no idea what I am going to do with it.
red homespun

Tiffany was outside when I was taking pictures of the spool. I tried to get shots of her, but she was too busy bouncing in the grass to stop and pose. This was the best I could get of her. I do however have lots of pictures of grass and tips of her tail. I told her that she needed to pose cute because whatever I got was going up, but ferrets, bad focus. She'll be sorry once she sees this on the net.

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