I hope you all had a great set of holidays. Good news is I finished my Christmas knitting, but I am still behind on Chanukah knitting, and as any 2006 calendar will tell you, I am really behind. But tell me if this isn't a brilliant plan. I am going to stay with one of the recipients of unfinished gift and part of the present will be watching me knit it. She doesn't knit and isn't around knitting, so what could be more fun than watching her gift grow before her very eyes? OK OK I'm pushing it.
I've also been quiet on the web front because I am cleaning out a walk in closet. It was in really bad shape because the climbers in the family got in it and pulled everything down. I'm in the middle of it- you know the stage where it looks worse than before because everything is on the bedroom floor? (no pictures there!) Good news is 3 bags of stuff so far is getting donating and I found a bunch of knitting projects stolen by the ferrets!
The number one question I've been asked by people that know I went vegetarian 18 days ago, was what did I do for the holidays? I found my fellow vegetarians at an Indian restaurant. It was really weird going to THAT part of the menu. I ate some sort of cheese dish and supportive WHN tried order my absolute all time fav Indian dish (chicken) before I threatened to create a scene and he ordered some other chicken dish. So far I am doing OK with the non-meat thing.
For Christmas I struggled with what to get WHN. Up and until 12/23 NO CLUE. And if you ask him, he says I DUNNO and I reply with I DO KNOW that if you have nothing to unwrap you will be unhappy. Finally I remembered a year ago he was looking for a rock tumbler (yes like the 8 year old toys) He has it going now for I guess 30 days and it makes a buzzing noise.
Today I went spinning at the local quilt shop and had a great time. I took 8 oz of Shetland that I almost finished plying (picture of that later) but here is the unplied singles (and other random pics)
(Thank you Sibille for my XMas gift and yes more please!)
It's very windy (50 mph) in Vegas so trash cans are being blown around (as well as dust, trash, branches, leaves etc etc) The wind itself is noisy and couple that with the banging noises, it's disturbing for someone like me who is not used to it. So at night with the wind whistling I come home alone to a dimly lit house with a grinding/buzzing noise. CREEPY! Then I took the dog out and as I walked in the screen door pulled out my hand just as Babette was jumping out to startle me. I've seen enough horror movies to know that the first startle is an animal and the next one is the homicidal maniac. So far I am doing OK all organs,limbs, skull intact.
And I have a great SP package to live for! It was delivered to my neighbors who have been out of town so sorry SP for the delay. Enclosed is peppermint hot chocolate (YUM), sweets, a cute knitting book and my favorite that I can't wait to to sit down and make, a SUSHI WALLET! I think I am going to do the one with 6 rolls. 07 will be the year I learn to sew, so the zipper and lining will hopefully have a neat appearance.
And since the Tiffany and Babette haven't made an appearance here in awhile:
I've also been quiet on the web front because I am cleaning out a walk in closet. It was in really bad shape because the climbers in the family got in it and pulled everything down. I'm in the middle of it- you know the stage where it looks worse than before because everything is on the bedroom floor? (no pictures there!) Good news is 3 bags of stuff so far is getting donating and I found a bunch of knitting projects stolen by the ferrets!
The number one question I've been asked by people that know I went vegetarian 18 days ago, was what did I do for the holidays? I found my fellow vegetarians at an Indian restaurant. It was really weird going to THAT part of the menu. I ate some sort of cheese dish and supportive WHN tried order my absolute all time fav Indian dish (chicken) before I threatened to create a scene and he ordered some other chicken dish. So far I am doing OK with the non-meat thing.
For Christmas I struggled with what to get WHN. Up and until 12/23 NO CLUE. And if you ask him, he says I DUNNO and I reply with I DO KNOW that if you have nothing to unwrap you will be unhappy. Finally I remembered a year ago he was looking for a rock tumbler (yes like the 8 year old toys) He has it going now for I guess 30 days and it makes a buzzing noise.
Today I went spinning at the local quilt shop and had a great time. I took 8 oz of Shetland that I almost finished plying (picture of that later) but here is the unplied singles (and other random pics)
(Thank you Sibille for my XMas gift and yes more please!)
It's very windy (50 mph) in Vegas so trash cans are being blown around (as well as dust, trash, branches, leaves etc etc) The wind itself is noisy and couple that with the banging noises, it's disturbing for someone like me who is not used to it. So at night with the wind whistling I come home alone to a dimly lit house with a grinding/buzzing noise. CREEPY! Then I took the dog out and as I walked in the screen door pulled out my hand just as Babette was jumping out to startle me. I've seen enough horror movies to know that the first startle is an animal and the next one is the homicidal maniac. So far I am doing OK all organs,limbs, skull intact.
And I have a great SP package to live for! It was delivered to my neighbors who have been out of town so sorry SP for the delay. Enclosed is peppermint hot chocolate (YUM), sweets, a cute knitting book and my favorite that I can't wait to to sit down and make, a SUSHI WALLET! I think I am going to do the one with 6 rolls. 07 will be the year I learn to sew, so the zipper and lining will hopefully have a neat appearance.
And since the Tiffany and Babette haven't made an appearance here in awhile: