Sunday, February 25, 2007

I think for awhile now I have been knitting for the end result. Knocking out presents or just to feel a sense of doneness. My projects have been not what you would call concentration heavy. So imagine the transition for me to the prism noni bag which is all charted colorwork. OI! I thought it would be a cute bday present for my SIL, however, depending on the effort, or more realistically how much I fuck it up, I may keep it for myself (to avoid at least one of these phenomena I shouldnt chose to knit in colors that I would like myself.) At least if I keep it I will know how to position it so the non-mistakey parts are shown ;) Granted for some of you non-lazy knitters this is nothing, but I have been oh so lazy.

I know I am not enjoying the knitting because I am getting knitting philosophical. Like is something worth knitting if it sucks while I am knitting it but the end result should be great? Or is knitting about the challenge? (and again by challenge, this is difficult in as much as tedious) Will this be more rewarding than say stuff I can do without looking sitting in a movie theater? Shouldn't I knit for the fun of it? With the easy stuff, If there is a mistake I can get to it fairly quick and fix. What if I go to all this effort and I find a mistake-- will I be able to access it as easy? Will I just say screw it, but if I say screw it isnt it worse because this isnt an easy pro-- see the mental mechinations? No wonder I need so many sticky notes!

Also You Know Who isn't helping any. I'm sure her stupid bro will use it for a ass pillow just before a ferret obscounds with it. And I haven't even gotten into the whole will the recipient even get the effort put into it... or WHN constantly saying, you're still working on THAT?

At first I thought I would avoid the effort of too many sticky notes, and be able to eyeball it. That didnt work out so well. Rows 2-5 I had to keep ripping, so instead I am going sticky paper happy. I have been working the bottom piece while watching Bee Season. I dont want to spoil the ending for anyone wanting to see it but, Wha??? Really? That's how it ended? I don't need tight happy endings... really?

So learned something interesting in Spanish. Motito is little scooter. Motita is nickel bag. I didnt know whether I wanted to take the hit for a mistake in my paper, or let the professor think I was stupid enough to admit to illegal activities in a college paper but have the higher score.

My SP9 sent me a gift certificate... I think I am going to go indulge myself now.


Saturday, February 17, 2007

Happy Year of the Boar

These are pictures from the Bellagio's garden. They are quite impressive in person. Yes I suppose I took the picture of the Pig with the Chinese people near it because I thought how authentic as well as an endorsement of the display.

Did you all have a good Valentine's Day? For all of you who had hope for WHN coming through on Valentine's Day, well this is what he came up with. Lunch at the local casino's buffet (he had a 2 for 1) and I know, what more good a girl want, he brought home take out from our favorite Indian restaurant for dinner. What was funny (besides take out) was that recently I converted to vegetarianism. Before that no matter what Indian restaurant I would got to, I would order the same dish- chicken tikka masala. It is my all time favorite dish in the world. WHN would always order something else. Maybe vindaloo, maybe a lamb dish whatever. This particular night, guess what he ordered??? I couldn't believe it. Happy V-Day! He says it was an accident. hmmmm. But it was definitely hard for me since there is no veggie equivalent to it. I then suggested we go see Music and Lyrics which he coincidentally said he had planned, but I dunno, I probably would have believe him more if he knew the movie times. A friend of mine to teach her BF to shape up for V-Day went out on a V-Day with another guy. I think I might try that next year.

I have to start a tedious Noni purse pattern. I want to do Prism, but I don't know if I will have the time to sit and devote. I need something I can pick up and put down in little spurts. I wonder if I should do the harlequin purse. Who knows, but I need to knit a purse by May for SIL's bday. Before I get any words of encouragement, know that I am still working on that Channukah gift.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy V-Day!

How have you been spending your V-Day? I can tell you, I spent it with 300 plus people in court-- JURY DUTY! Let me preface with I've always liked doing jury duty for the most part. I've served 3 times in Los Angeles, with a positive attitude even when I was stuck at the downtown moldy old courthouse in their dirty smelly waiting rooms. I was hoping the jury gods would smile on me and not force me to serve this time because as you may well know I have 2 language classes. TWO! Anyway the juris gods were not and at 8am I was walking through the Fremont Street Experience to get to the courthouse.

Nevada has the one day, one case system. For my foreign friends, this means that they have one day to assign a person onto a specific jury case (a typical case lasts 3-5 days) If they don't, I am free to go for the next 18 months. If I am assigned to a case, I get $40 per day, starting my second day seated on a "panel." The old way which I am sure many of you remember, is to be "on" jury duty for 10 days or 1 case. The time is spent in a holding tank reading, knitting etc while waiting to get assigned a panel. I've gone the 10 days and then on the last day been assigned a case that then has kept me there another few days.

A big difference between Los Angeles and Las Vegas (and probably the rest of the world) is that the orientation video in Los Angeles has celebrities doing it. Danny Glover might thank you for serving, Meg Ryan might come on and say it's a bitch but even someone like her does it, Chewbacca is detained at the metal detector etc. I miss that- today's video just had court staffers. I was hoping for Celine to say her that like her heart, justice will go on, the tiger from Seigfried & Roy etc...

A big similarity is the freakshow that is there in the waiting room. A woman with her white bear holding a red heart raised her hand and asked if she could get out early because it's Valentine's Day because her and Mr. Snuggles (who she then had wave his arm) would like to go as they have plans.

However, my day was different in that I am being considered for a high profile case. A 4 month high profile case, UG! This would not bode well with my foreign language education. Because it's a big high profile case (and before anyone gets excited, it would be a BORING big high profile case. After Feb 26, I can tell you all about it) instead of being questioned in the courtroom by the judge and attorneys, I got to fill out a 43 page questionnaire. Once that was filled out, I was excused for the day until Feb. 26 with the instructions not to read or watch local news. Because of my circumstance, I am an unappealing choice as a juror and I was sure to make that clear on at least 42.5 of the 43 pages. I am not sure if Mr. Snuggles or his holder filled out the form. I figure he's the brains of the outfit, but being a teddy bear, no opposable thumb.

Since I can't tell you about this case, I thought I would let you know about a previous one I sat. I was on a hooker trial! A "masseusse" was caught in a prostitution sting at a hotel by LAX. The undercover cop ordered her up and they agreed to "full-service" which got her arrested. He said full service is common lingo for sex while she said that it meant topless massage.

Though she was supposed to have had dozens of condoms on her, only 4 were booked into evidence. 4 MAGNUM. The cop said that there were more, but he only checked 4 in. She said that there were only 4 on her and that they were for her well-endowed bf whom she was spending the weekend with. Further she said if she was going to use them for work, she wouldn't have magnums.

We heard a lot of talk about her bf's big schlong and yes, pictures of it were defendent's exhibit 1-5. We were more interested in seeing the man behind it. I know immature. Anyway, when he finally did show up, he was this tiny little middle aged man that tittered on the stand. It was the goofiest thing. I guess it is a guy thing because he was thrilled to keep the conversation focused on his lap taffy, but when they asked about his GF, he acted coy and then looked at the ladies of the jury. It was bad. He winked at me. He even asked if we were going to get to see the pictures soon. Ug. We did look at pics of his wedding tackle in the juror room, which btw, looking at naked junk pictures with a bunch of strangers, very surreal.

Tonight I have a date in the library with my study pal to prepare for a Spanish test. I am thrilled. Maybe we will hold hands under the table and pretend. Considering WHN has said nothing about V-Day, not even HAPPY, going this alternate route may be more doable than previously thought ;)


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

First FO of 2007

OK so my knitting as been muched slowed since starting this semester. I am taking Latin, which is a pain in the ass, and I completely get why it is a dead language. I think it died a long long time ago because most of the sentences deal with poets, farmers, pirates, and charioteers. These guys spend a lot of time praising and giving flowers. So for all of you that looked at askew at my beer appreciation class, know that I suffer too.

I made a malagaiter for my SIL . I used malabrigo (a fav-- I think it is so much softer than manos) Anyway, my in-laws when they take pics of them modeling my work, they focus on them and not well you know, the stuff I made. I got lots of pictures of them. So instead I am taking a picture of a friend modeling.

Shhh... she doesn't know that I have a blog or that the pics will end up here... but remember the naughty accidental message sent to her dad? This is her. Did I say SHHH? A cautionary tale.. you never know when you'll end up on the internet. If I knew how to black out her eyes, her anon her face, I would, but I don't know and what can I say, my ego to show off my work is the greater influence.

There is this silent poetry read going on, and I thought I would jump in with a poem by Rochester:

The poem apparently dates from late 1673, shortly after Mary of Modena arrived in London. It first appeared in print in 1703 in Poems on Affairs of State.

Signior Dildo

You Ladyes all of Merry England
Who have been to kisse the Dutchesse's hand,
Pray did you lately observe in the Show
A Noble Italian call'd Signior Dildo?
The Signior was one of her Highness's Train
And helpt to Conduct her over the Main,
But now she Crys out to the Duke I will go,
I have no more need for Seignior Dildo.
At the Signe of the Crosse in Saint James's Street,
When next you go thither to make your Selfes Sweet,
By Buying of Powder, Gloves, Essence, or Soe
You may Chance get a Sight of Signior Dildo.
You'l take him at first for no Person of Note
Because he appears in a plain Leather Coat:
But when you his virtuous Abilities know
You'll fall down and Worship Signior Dildo.
My Lady Southesk, Heav'ns prosper her for't,
First Cloath'd him in Satten, then brought him to Court;
But his Head in the Circle, he Scarcely durst Show,
So modest a Youth was Signior Dildo.
The good Lady Suffolk thinking no harm,
Had got this poor Stranger hid under her Arm:
Lady Betty by Chance came the Secret to know,
And from her own Mother, Stole Signior Dildo:
The Countesse of Falmouth, of whom People tell
Her Footmen wear Shirts of a Guinea an Ell:
Might Save the Expence, if she did but know
How Lusty a Swinger is Signior Dildo.
By the Help of this Gallant the Countesse of Rafe
Against the feirce Harris preserv'd her Self Safe:
She Stifl'd him almost beneath her Pillow,
So Closely she imbrac'd Signior Dildo.
Our dainty fine Dutchesse's have got a Trick
To Doat on a Fool, for the Sake of his Prick,
The Fopps were undone, did their Graces but know
The Discretion and vigor of Signior Dildo.
That Pattern of Virtue, her Grace of Cleaveland,
Has Swallow'd more Pricks, then the Ocean has Sand,
But by Rubbing and Scrubbing, so large it do's grow,
It is fit for just nothing but Signior Dildo.
The Dutchesse of Modena, tho' she looks high,
With such a Gallant is contented to Lye:
And for fear the English her Secrets shou'd know,
For a Gentleman Usher took Signior Dildo.
The countess of the Cockpit (who knows not her Name)
She's famous in Story, for a Killing Dame:
When all her old Lovers forsake her I Trow
She'l then be contented with Signior Dildo.
Red Howard, Red Sheldon, and Temple so tall
Complain of his absence so long from Whitehall:
Signior Barnard has promis'd a Journy to goe,
And bring back his Countryman Signior Dildo.
Doll Howard no longer with his Highness must Range,
And therefore is profer'd this Civill Exchange:
Her Teeth being rotten, she Smells best below,
And needs must be fitted for Signior Dildo.
St Albans with Wrinkles and Smiles in his Face
Whose kindnesse to Strangers, becomes his high Place,
In his Coach and Six Horses is gone to Pergo,
To take the fresh Air with Signior Dildo.
Were this Signior but known to the Citizen Fopps
He'd keep their fine Wives from the Foremen of Shops,
But the Rascalls deserve their Horns shou'd Still grow,
For Burning the Pope, and his Nephew Dildo.
Tom Killigrews wife, North Hollands fine Flower,
At the Sight of this Signior, did fart, and Belch Sow'r,
And her Dutch Breeding farther to Show,
Says welcome to England, myn Heer Van Dildo.
He civilly came to the Cockpitt one night,
And profer'd his Service to fair Madam Knight,
Quoth she, I intrigue with Captain Cazzo
Your Nose in myne Arse good Seignior Dildo.
This Signior is sound, safe, ready, and Dumb,
As ever was Candle, Carret, or Thumb:
Then away with these nasty devices, and Show
How you rate the just merits of Signior Dildo.
Count Cazzo who carryes his Nose very high,
In Passion he Swore, his Rivall shou'd Dye,
Then Shutt up himself, to let the world know,
Flesh and Blood cou'd not bear it from Signior Dildo.
A Rabble of Pricks, who were welcome before,
Now finding the Porter deny'd 'em the Door,
Maliciously waited his coming below,
And inhumanely fell on Signior Dildo.
Nigh weary'd out, the poor Stranger did fly
And along the Pallmall, they follow'd full Cry,
The Women concern'd from every Window,
Cry'd, Oh! for Heavn's sake save Signior Dildo.
The good Lady Sandys, burst into a Laughter
To see how the Ballocks came wobbling after,
And had not their weight retarded the Fo
Indeed 't had gone hard with Signior Dildo.

It was either this one or his premature ejaculation piece, "The Imperfect Enjoyment" Ah well, there's always next year.


Saturday, February 03, 2007

Friday Vegas

People that live in Vegas don't drive on The Strip because it is always packed except in the wee hours of the morning. I have to be on campus really early on Friday mornings, and so I enjoy taking The Strip to see what's going on. Recently, a place I stayed at a lot as a kid, The Stardust, shut down. (I like the space theme and it was close to Circus Circus another kid fav) I have to admit it was sad to see it without it's windows in preparation for it probably to me imploded.

I've met people that have worked in Vegas during the mob times and wax poetic about how they were treated as people and not as numbers like the now corporations do. This always astounds me because they are basically saying, sure they were thieves and murders, but they were soooo polite! What?? Because Lefty and Junior Big Nose tip their hats on the way out to bury a body in the desert, they are supposed to be great guys. Historians, economists etc all agree that Vegas was dying because it couldn't grow because no on wanted to invest in precarious business situations. When Wall Street started to invest, the face of Vegas changed and now it's bigger than ever. But though I love seeing the new resorts, I still get a bit *misty* to see the old ones go.

Another structure you can see through, but because it is going up. The Palazzo will be the tallest resort on The Strip.

Yesterday was a beautiful day in Vegas... or so I thought. I had just picked up 11th row tickets for $25 to see The Producers (starring David Hasselhoff!) and was driving home when my car died on the freeway. This particular freeway is a 4 lane job, but people use the right side breakdown lane to drive even faster than the average 85mph on this stretch. Luckily AAA came fast.

I was torn between going with my car to the garage which is far from house or hoofing it to the local quilt shop that has yarn to kill time until WHN could get to me. Instead, remembering I was in Vegas, I got the tow truck driving to drop me off at the closest casino where I drank margaritas, played video bj at the bar, and then saw a movie (yes most movie theaters here are in a casino.)

BTW, here is a tip that I am so used to now, that when Shelby was here I forgot to tell her. If you are playing any game in the casino you will be comped drinks. The standard is a $1-$2 tip for each drink. If you tip on the higher end you will see the waitress (I've only see one cocktail dude) But what if you just want to get hammered without worrying about dropping cash at a table or in a machine while you wait? The cheapest way to get smashed is to sit at a Keno bar. The bets are low, the games stretch out... you don't have to play every round. You could probably even sit there holding the keno crayon and still get served.

While I was there they had a slot tournament. Basically people stand at a bank of slots and press the spin button (no one uses the arms anymore) repeatedly as quickly as possible. Whoever does the best at the end wins a prize.

Waiting to start.

GO! I decided the perfect person for the up and down motion in this tournament would be a teenage boy.

I did OK, didn't lose any money and my movie ticket ended up free, but for those that do get out of control with their gambling, and desperately go to the casino ATMs, hopefully will read this sign:

I lost my knitting project so no progress there. We are going car shopping this weekend. Ug, I forgot what that experience is like. I guess because I have to buy a car versus feel like it, is also affecting it. I know I want a hatchback. That's it.


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