Sunday, December 23, 2007


I got my cast off FRIDAY! I am thrilled, though my arm feels cold and vulnerable. It is now in a brace, and I am still limited on my computer usage-- for the 3 months. Normally I am doctor advice, schmoctor advice, but it's my right hand so I am trying to be more diligent than I have been.

But not too diligent! I've missed knitting so much, and I promised WHN convertible gloves. I popped some pain pills, drank some hard cider, and got to work. I want them done by Christmas, so I have been doing a lot of secretive knitting.
As I started to knit them, I was reminded of all the great people I've met out there. The stitch markers (weasels!) are from The Crafty Weasel in honor of my weasels Tiffany and Babette:

I've been hiding them (socks not ferrets though they'd love it) in a Amy Butler print bag made by the lovely Javajem.

And because it is 53 F in the house, (the heater makes Toonsters pant), I've been nightly (and daily) wearing the most comfortable socks ever by Bentota. Thankfully she has knitted me a few pairs!

And for Christmas, my SP, La Fuji Mama sent me a crappy box from Japan-- literally.
I'm not sure what she was thinking about me, but who can resist such lovable poo! Mr. Happy Poo was crocheted by her, and she took this picture, because currently Mr. H. Poo is being held captive in a secret location by Tiffany the ferret. I love the poo and TP stickers. But I am not sure when I grade papers, would the good or bad papers get one?

She also sent some treats from Japan.
-Pancakes - I love thick wonderful pancakes!
-chocolate - I love chocolate, but this is supposed to taste crappy (sticking with that theme eh Fujimama?) Anyway, when WHN has his Belgian chocolate, I plan to trade him for it and let him figure out the inadequacies of Japanese chocolate on his own.
-litle candies and ornaments... and a stamp of guess who... HAPPY POO with the associated brown stamp pad.

Then she went random... patches, calendar, and Santa Coke ornaments... I haven't examined Santa closely, but I will assume no continuation of theme there.

And finally, a little stowaway, her mascot, Keito-chan! I promised her that I would show little KC a good time. So far she's been getting into the Vegas way of life. Some of her adventures can be seen on La Fuji Mama.

And finally a card with happy drunk animals,
to go along with my joyous ones:


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Blogger C+SK said...

Ohhh so happy for you and your cast-free arm!!!

YEYA, weasel photos!!! :-)

Gotta love the poo themed package too! LOL LOL LOL

Wishing you and WHN a wonderful Christmas!! A big hug to you two and big cuddles to all the animals!!

6:06 AM  
Blogger Jody said...

O.... My... God!! I love the happy poo!!

Horray for no more cast!

Give Toonsters (still wondering about that one) a kiss for me!!

3:22 PM  
Blogger Rachael Hutchings said...

YEAH!!! NO MORE CAST!!! I love the poo theme, but hey, I'm biased. :-)

12:02 AM  
Blogger Jinann said...

Good for you! No cast....just in time for Christmas! How did you manage to break your hand in the first place? Somehow, I've missed the explanation!

Merry Christmas!

8:24 PM  
Blogger Shelby said...

Yeah!! I'm so glad your cast is off!! It must feel naked now! Hopefully the brace will help and that in the next few months all will be back to normal.

LOVE the poo themed package- that's brilliant! And I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and have a very Happy New Year!!

6:41 AM  
Blogger tocspaw said...

I have to say, I've never seen poo stickers before. Too funny. Glad to hear your cast is off. Happy New Year to you!

10:22 PM  

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