Face lift!
Another thrilling thing that happenned was I saw Elton John's Red Piano at Caesar's Palace. It was a terrific show. By concert standards, by Vegas standards, all around standard's FABULOUS.
First, Caesar's is a place where you shouldn't even bother to try and park your own car. The valet is much more convenient, close and less of a hassle. Some hotels have their valet totally in the deep recessive of the garage and you feel like who's valeting who. Not so with Caesar's. Valet will bring you right up to the entrance of the shops or the Colliseum whereas garage parking will bring you near Reno.
He performs when Celine Dion isn't, but looking at his set, you wouln't guess that he is a fill-in. The set is fantastic with huge neon lights and lots of blow up HUGE HUGE props like boobies hanging from the ceiling, bananas -peeled and unpeeled [you can figure that one out ;0] He opens with Bennie and the Jets and there are huge mismatched lit letters spelling Elton behind blinking in beat with the music. The letters appeared as if they were stolen from other old Vegas signs. Other songs have accompanying films by David LaChapelle (who designed the show) and are really effective. He played my favorite, SOMOENE SAVED MY LIFE TONIGHT, and my least favorite, the highly overrated CANDLE IN THE WIND. One of the songs, I think Philadelphia Freedom showed a woman with flames coming out of her "VJJ" WHN was mesmorized by this and was saying, a bit disappointedly, "I never saw your's do that!" Obviously, he is not seeing the practicality of having a non-flammable one. No scorched sheets... no cindered panties...no scorched willies... etc I was actually surprised at all the female nudity... I mean I get the male things... but hm women. I loved while he was singing I Guess Why They Call It The Blues or Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting (amongst others) he would have all this graphic sexual imagery. He never mentioned anything naughty himself... he just had bananas with cherries or cigarrettes or COCK TAIL blinking... Okay, so I will admit, I like dirty jokes, I like naughty words, I like nudity in general and references to naughty parts, sexual acts through inuendos because that makes it more titilating... I love it when innocent things are turned lacivious. (Those roses and kittens on film weren't just flowers and cats you know.) I love double entendres...It's immature... or is it actually the HEIGHT OF SOPHESTICATION???
It was an amazing incredible show. I was in the orchestra section, but all the seats seemed OK. Though the better ones for being even with him is towards the left if you are looking at the stage. ("stage right") It's a pricey ticket, but well worth it (we got ours half price because WHN knows a guy, but I would even pay full price for this show)
PS- Been a long time since I've posted a grammar review... look out because a SHALL vs WILL post will be appearing shortly!