I received a package earlier this week, and promptly took pics, but I can't find my USB cable (again) I even went to Best Buy last night to buy another one (which ofcourse would then make the loss one appear) but they didn't have any my size. They did have a 30 person line waiting for the PS3 though!
Tonight I figured a way around the USB cable to at least get a couple pics up.
SOCK YARN! Because I don't have enough of it. Trekking and Opal, but the real excitement is the hand dyed sock yarn. Equivalent to the hand dyed you can get in the US, but for a great deal less. WOO! WOO! I normally don't get these colors (oranges, yellows) but I decided to step out of my box. At first I thought what was I thinking, but once I took them outside to take pictures of them (that I can't upload to my computer) I really saw how gorgeous they are! I can't wait to find the perfect patterns for them. And if I dont want to get slippy with them,
Sibille sent me non-slip pads.
Once I get my camera connected, I will put better pics up that better show the wonderfully vibrant colors of the yarn. On my camera are pictures of the 2 balls in front before I wound them and they are truly gorgeous!
I'm really interested in why German yarn is cheaper. I figured Opal would be because it's made there, but now this sock yarn is working out less expensive too. I've been getting so spoiled though that when I find yarn with a German sounding name I immediately email the info to my German connection.
And it wouldn't be a package from
Sibille without CANDY!!! WOOWOO!! (Seriously, candy and yarn is like a dream box for me) I love Euro choc and I think I found my new favorite candy bar (not picture because I gobbled it down pretty fast) Also notice the gummies. As I have mentioned before the Germans have taken gummies beyond the bear (which I also got, but I bit their little heads off and swallowed Yogi and his buddies) I have gummie bugs and gummie alphabet. I picture the gummie scientist experimenting with shapes in the gummie labs.
Also the German knitting mag has some cute patterns that are very chart oriented so it's not the big cruel tease it could be.
Speaking of expensive yarn, Lion Brand has learn to knit kits at Costco! For $24.99 you can get 2 skeins of wool-ease and a pattern a scarf or baby kimono.
My new convertible roof arrived in the mail last week and WHN has spent 2 days so far installing it. He was hoping I would take it somewhere but the company was insistent that with the 24 page installation instructions anyone slightly handy could install it. He is just slight enough to have to install to keep his manhood intact. I put him on the phone with the manufacturer who pretty much guilted him into it. Thank you kind manufacturer! He's been struggling with tight spaces, tough screws, exacting measurements, and cut fingers, but hopefully tomorrow I will have a brand new roof that will stay on if I drive above 10mph. As he has been getting frustrated, I have been reminding him that the cause of all this was me trying cook dinner. I don't think he will ever use my name and any form of the verb cook in a sentence again. So there is a silver lining to my car getting broken into.